Patch 0.3

New Update 0.3:

 Fixed some doors and stretched walls in hell
Added imps and more chains to hell
Made a lot of the lave into bonespikes
Added lots of vines and squirrels to the forest area
Updated forest area sprites so wood shows up more often
Fixed backtracking to other biomes. Made an intro title appear everytime a new biome is entered. Updated the voice sounds so they were less harsh on the ears
Made crumble clouds in heaven actually appear as clouds

Fixed a few doors in heaven and the towers that were mislabeled

Added Seals, cherubs, and crows to the various biomes
Added a ton of tiles to the towers
Fixed the intro title not showing up unless you die first

Made new game start at half sound and music volume to help with "ear-splitting dialogue"
Added a block to room 15 to remove an unfair platform alignment

I'm looking into some other complaints, like screen shake being distracting, the dialogue still being too loud, and possibly adding coins to aid the player on what to do next. 

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