Dragon Creek: A New Year!

Hello everyone! Happy New Year!

Dragon Creek's development is coming along smoothly, and for those of you that were watching, a demo released this week! The first two days it was out was spent fixing bugs that had been missed, like dragon stats only working if you wore a comfortable saddle.

A tutorial was added, to help new players understand the basics. Mini-games still need tutorials, as does battling,  but its a step in the right direction. Sounds were also added to all the menus, the shrine, the clothing screen, and any other gui elements. 

Soon all the dragons will be receiving visual updates, with shading and more accessories. It's a lengthy process, but it makes the dragons look so much better. The goal is to have all the visual updates out by next Saturday. 

If you do play the demo, I would appreciate feedback! Let me know what you like and what you didn't like! I want to make Dragon Creek a great game, and it starts with the community. 

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