Dragon Creek Patch Notes 1/6/2021

Added screenshake, sprint toggle, and bloom options. Bloom options still need coding

You can use arrow keys instead of WASD if you prefer now.
While riding a dragon, clicking on training games or signs takes priority over dismounting

Dojo doors open outside of tutorial.

Saddles have been made much cheaper. Fancy saddle now increases gold earned in minigames and battles.

Royal saddle takes more gold to unlock

When going from full-screen to windowed, windowed starting size is bigger.

Added "Cant reach your dragon's head!" and "Need a saddle" to dragon menu, to replace prohibited signs that were causing confusion.

You no longer can click invisible end turn while in attack menu.
You can no longer earn more than 3 stars. You now only earn stars from battles at your DRAGON's rank or higher.
Foods are now seasonal! The shop sells 4-5 different items depending on season.

Apples now reduce sickness.

You shouldnt be able to spam click start battle in the calendar and have it play sounds over and over. Other spam click sounds have been removed from signs.


Dragon Creek Demo V6.zip 101 MB
Jan 06, 2021

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