The stamina mini-game revisited

This week I mostly focused on finishing all the levels for Flap Demon, a small precision platformer I wanted to make to pull in a bit of revenue for Dragon Creek. I also made a Vtuber avatar for fun since my younger brother showed me Vtubers this week with the creation of the eekum bokum meme. I may stream with it at one point, but for now I need to focus on the game.

I also started some contract work to help fund Dragon Creek, which will slow development down some but the extra months it will buy me will be worth it.

All that being said: I still did manage to get the stamina mini-game looking much better. I scrapped the hamster wheel design since the dragon sprites aren't made for running on sloped surfaces, and their different lengths would make their y position placements different for every breed. So I changed it to a treadmill. It doesnt have as nice a profile as the hamster wheel, but it is easier to animate and all the dragons can have the same x/y placement. 

I still need to add some basic stuff, like a stamina bar, and a battery charge icon to show mini-game progress. But the basic button mash mechanic is working and the dragon animates properly. 

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