All mini-games complete!

Finally all the mini-games are functional and working! They all look respectable and function with different seasons, weather, and breeds. They also adapt to the dragon's stats, so the stronger your dragon, the faster it trains! 

I felt that the lack of player participation was a weakness of other monster training games, hence why I spent the time to make all these mini-games. I want the player to feel like they are there with their dragon training along with them. I tried to make all the mini-games not only fit the general aesthetic of the game, but also make the actions the player must complete feel similar to what is actually being trained. Health requires a steady focus. Stamina requires button mashing. Accuracy requires clicking at the right time. There were some small bugs I squashed and polish I added to games completed previously, such as little bumpers onto the ends of the treadmill and punching bag GUI bars. I think it looks much better. At some point I will need to add little preview screens that explain how to complete the games, but I will add those in the bulk polish phase, after combat is working.

Speaking of combat. That's the next feature, and the final piece of the Dragon Creek gameplay loop. I'm excited. I have how I will code a good deal of it already planned but its a big interconnected system that intimidates me even now. 

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