Dragon Creek Battle Update 12/12/20

This week I focused on getting the battle system working. Stamina calculations, damage calculations, movement, skills that leave behind traps, skills that lower stats, and skills that give status conditions are all in game. The status conditions still need to be coded, and the attacks that hit twice need to remove protection on the first hit and damage on the second, but very soon all of combat will be done. There is a basic enemy Ai script ready that tries to move to certain squares, but the different ai behaviors need to be assigned. 

Damage dealt is a ratio of the attackers strength to the defenders defense. Stamina used is a percentage of max stamina, but this percentage decreases as the stamina stat increases, allowing a high stamina dragon to use expensive skills more often. 

Bug fixes:  The enemy dragon's wings were transparent to light sources, so I made sure the light shader recognizes the enemy dragon properly. 

I got some feedback on the trailer, and the criticism that kept coming up was that the font was unreadable. It was nearly identical to the font you are reading now, so I hope this isn't too hard on the eyes. I made a higher resolution font and removed pixel purity in exchange for a readable font. This change seemed to be received favorably by the community. 

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